Thursday, November 13, 2008

Is she a joke?

My sparring partner has linked to a blogger named Debbie Schlussel. I guess I heard her once on Howard Stern. I had no idea. Here she is responding to a hateful email:
But that's just mere pretext for Ms. Thang, Caroline, Obama supporter extraordinaire, to unleash her simmering anti-Semitism, representative of many of her fellow Obamaniacal voters. [Emphasis mine]
Maybe 77% of her fellow MOTs were not "obamaniacal", but they did vote for Obama. Now, I have already pointed out Ms. Schlussel's tendency toward extreme rhetoric, and how that makes me take her less seriously. But, when you juxtapose a picture of Obama and a swastika, I guess I know where you're coming from.

Anyway, Ms. Schlussel has an article about how Obama has faked his Selective Service documentation. She then points to the hotness of her scoop: 9 - nine! - blogs have picked up the story!!!! However, take a look at what that means: at least one has ridiculed, several are just comments on mainstream blogs by unhinged readers, the rest are right-wing blogs I've never heard of. So I guess now she has 10 - ten! - blogs that have picked up her story. Then again, I never heard of Ms. Schlussel's, and, well, she's just so...awesome!
Attorney, Columnist, and Hip, Conservative Info-Babe Commentator, Debbie Schlussel is the VRWC's latest and greatest sexy, blonde, and beautiful commentator. With a law degree, MBA, long blonde tresses, and sports acumen to boot, she's a red-blooded American guy's dream. If you are into Debbie Schlussel's appearances on FOX News Channel, ESPN, FOX Sports Radio, CNN, ABC's "Politically Incorrect," and Howard Stern, and her and "Debbie Does Politics" columns, then this is the place for you--her unofficial fan club. If you've heard Rush Limbaugh or Howard Stern talk about her on their national radio shows or seen her speak at the NRA convention, Debbie is proof positive that "Dumb Blonde" is an oxymoron--her beauty and brains are a lethal combination, the reason Ms. Magazine declared Debbie its #1 enemy. To paraphrase "Wayne's World's" Wayne and Garth, if she were President, Debbie Schlussel would be Babe-raham Lincoln.
Whether one of her fans wrote this or she did...just, scary. Seriously, "Babe-raham Lincoln"? How lame can you get?

Anyway, my point is, I don't know enough about Selective Service docs to judge Ms. Schlussel's accusations. But given her rhetoric, let's just say I'm a skeptic.

And, apparently, I am far from alone.


  1. She can get off the beaten path now and again, but I enjoy her for lite humorous reading. Yes she regularly appears on Stern and Fox News and makes some good points on these appearances..

    You should read Her response to Oliver Willis under the comments. It includes her criticism of Bush meeting with Qazwini back in 2001. She actually did nail this one on the head.

    Of course liberal blogs are going to slam her on anything they can. I also think you took her statement of 9 major blogs out of context. If you look closely at Yahoo News it compiles a number in parenthesis of its blog crawlers. I believe she took the number 9 off the Yahoo count and I believe they would count as major blogs as it states "Most Blogged About"

    I read her so called evidence of the registration form ,and if it is legit it is compelling. It won't go anywhere even if it is false so if her point is to show that he falsified a federal form - great. If she expects to get him "un"elected I think she is having a pipe dream.

  2. Well, good points you make. I guess I could find any right-wing blogger and easily find haters. Same for the left.

    I think all I want to say here, multi-snarks aside, is that if she wishes to be taken seriously, then she'll learn to write. But it seems that she just wishes to be Coulter-lite, which is her perogative. I just wish I had the discipline to ignore.
