Saturday, November 22, 2008

Baby Mama?

California Congresswoman Linda Sanchez is pregnant. Ordinarily, this would not make headlines, except to the Sanchez family and maybe in a newsletter to the 39th Congressional District in southeast L.A. County, which just elected her to her fourth term. It's no big deal nowadays when members of Congress give birth. What makes Sanchez's pregnancy news is that she is not married to the baby's father.

I dug this from the LA Times. Amazingly enough not a word about Bristol Palin. Shocker isn't it. Well we wouldn't want to hold a Democrat to the same standard would we LA Times? When it's a Democrat, it's a sign of progress, if it's a Republican its a scarlet letter.


  1. Is the good Congresswoman still in high school?

  2. Don't see the difference here. The LA Times is ruthlessly left and punishes the right.

  3. I'll give you your latter statement. The I see, in the case of the Congresswoman, someone old enough to have a career and clearly an adult. Maybe she's not setting the best example, but she'll have the child and care for it, I guess.

    In Palin's case, it is a teen pregnancy. She is not finishing school, from what I understand. Further, school doesn't seem to be a huge priority in the Palin household. Terrific example to be setting.

    There is a huge difference from where I sit. I think about my unmarried daughter giving birth at 17 and 27, respectively. Major difference.
