Sunday, November 16, 2008

Hillary for Secretary of State?

Speculation abounds. Will Obama really ask Hillary to be his Secretary of State? I would think and hope not. The Clinton's hatred for Obama was more than evident during the primaries. Hillary's contempt for Obama can not be contained, and should she actually take the position, she will surely work hard to undermine Obama's Presidency and foreign standing. One of my favorite bloggers, Dick Morris, wrote a compelling article about just this subject HERE. He likens picking Hilary to Harry S. Truman selecting Jimmy Byrnes to be his Secretary of State and how he forgot he was not President and failed to keep Truman up on negotiations. This got him the sack after a year. Those of you familiar with Dick, know he was part of the Clinton advisory team and then Bill's campaign manager in 1986.

According to Fox News, Democratic officials say Obama met with Clinton in his Chicago office on Thursday and is seriously considering the New York senator for his top Cabinet post. Former U.S. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger has told an Indian audience that Senator Hillary Clinton would make "an outstanding appointment" as America's top diplomat. The elder statesman, who served in Republican administrations, says if President-elect Obama chooses Mrs. Clinton it would show "great courage" on his part.


  1. I dunno. I think HRC would be a better choice than Kerry (and I'd rather him in the Senate anyway), but less so than Richardson. Still, it seems inspired. Obama's has at least been giving the impression of being level-headed as a PE. Not sure about the "great courage" bit, but at least he seems unemotional about his job.

  2. Jeff said:

    As you are aware, I am no Obama fan but trying not to lose my mind with every Clinton appointment he makes is difficult. She will lose her independence in the Senate and her seat to Caroline Kennedy and wind up stabbing Obama in the back. He should use his Harvard Education and take Richardson. Frankenkerry would be a horrible SOS. Obama will not win me or any other conservative with a Clinton appointment. Why introduce this poison into his staff?

    I agree Richardson is on paper the best choice. But I can see why he would choose Clinton in a Machiavellian way. As for all the other Clintonites: what did you expect? Obama really doesn't have a huge base of hardcores he can trust - that's where Valerie Jarrett comes in. And David Axelrod. Ironically, although Obama never claimed to be one, he seems more the "outsider" than anyone.
