Saturday, November 22, 2008

What God Wants

God wants peace
God wants war
God wants famine
God wants chain stores - Roger Waters

Lots of discussion in the blogs about what happened to the GOP that they should be where they are now. Leading the charge is Kathleen Parker, conservative for whom suggesting that Sarah Palin was not up to the job led her to observe about her inbox:

Allow me to introduce myself. I am a traitor and an idiot. Also, my mother should have aborted me and left me in a dumpster, but since she didn't, I should "off" myself.

Anyhow, she wrote a rather searing column about the "oogedy boogedy" wing of Conservatism today, mainly the "Armband Religion" as she calls it.

Here's the deal, 'pubbies: Howard Dean was right.

It isn't that culture doesn't matter. It does. But preaching to the choir produces no converts. And shifting demographics suggest that the Republican Party -- and conservatism with it -- eventually will die out unless religion is returned to the privacy of one's heart where it belongs.
Religion is just one facet of the problem, IMHO. It's a culture that has refused to cede any part of any argument. Very religious folks tend to do that. Import that culture into a whole group, and you have a party that has been Left Behind.

And still so. So long as they court Palin and talk her up for '12, so long as they refuse to look in the mirror and learn from their debacle this year, then we will see an increasingly Democratic Congress. While I predict that one-party rule is unsustainable, I think that unless the GOP gets its head on straight, you will see two kinds of lawmakers: blue Dems and red Dems.


  1. Her article makes some sense, and will piss of the religious right, as it has. I'm no Palin fan; however, she looks to play a part in thr GOP's future and they need to take a real close look at that. There was a certain air of the Good 'Ol Boy network at play during the GOP primaries and they did not believe they could lose no matter what the writing on the wall was saying.

    There certainly needs to be a rebirth of the GOP and maybe they should start by dusting off WPB writings.

  2. Also, needless to say, she referred to 78% of the Jewish voters voting for Obama. I believe those numbers are in the low 60's myself but regardless they are significant. Especially in light of Bush's unwavering support of Israel, and McCain's unfettered 20 year history of supporting Israel. I think may American Jews are flawed in their thinking process in voting for Obama.

  3. Jews do wish to vote Democratic. Nobody has properly explained this phenomenon. I have voted Dem for Pres. as long as I have been able to (beginning in '88), although I will vote GOP in local matters.

    The 78% seems to be the universally accepted figure. Do you have other sources for your assertion?
