Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Don't mess with a man's guns!

The Latest headlines read "Gun Owners Stockpiling Over Fear of Democratic Weapon Bans". Tell me it ain't true. Many gun enthusiasts seem to believe that the Obama Administration is going to restrict ones Second Amendment right to own a firearm. Obama clearly said during his campaign that he support Second Amendment rights and not infringe.

A spokesman for Obama's transition team said, in a written statement that Obama "respects the constitutional rights of Americans to bear arms," and that he will "protect the rights of hunters and other law-abiding Americans to purchase, own, transport and use guns." Was he telling the truth? Well, in a post election November 7, 2008 memorandum, he now says "They (Obama & Biden) support closing the gun show loophole and making guns in this country childproof. They also support making the expired federal Assault Weapons Ban permanent..."

It's no secret that Obama supported gun bans as a State Legislator. In the 1990's when asked about handguns, he simply responded that “I don’t believe that people should be able to own guns.”

Will the real Obama please stand up?


  1. I suspect that the needs of the inner-city (which is what Obama repped as State Legislator) and the country as a whole are very different. I certainly hope that the rights of private citizens with no crimial records to bear arms for the protection of our homes is not infringed upon.

    That said, I think the "gun show loophole" is about background checks - which could have prevented the VA Tech massacre, if I am not mistaken (and I may well be). Although a more brutal way to have prevented it would be to allow folks to pack at will.

  2. You are partially right, but he purchased the gun a gun shop not a show called Roanoke Firearms. The question was could they have prevented someone adjudicated incompetent or mentally unsound. There was plenty of writing on the wall there for school officials, from his English teacher. A tragedy for sure, but I doubt any law would have prevented this dark day in our history.

  3. there's nothing unconstitutional about an assault rifle ban and that's what President Obama should pursue.
    why should it be easier to buy a gun than obtain a driver's license, or a boater's license, or any license, for that matter?

  4. Proper background checks and severe retsrictions on "cop-killer" guns in the inner cities are fair game. I think the fundamental principle is the line at which absolute rights infringe on the public welfare.
