Friday, November 21, 2008

On our way to Amnesty with Janet Napolitano

Amazing. Simply Amazing. Just Another Non-Law Enforcement appointment to the most critical Law Enforcement Agency in the United States. This is almost reticent of Clinton's appointment of Janet Reno, except at least Janet Reno was the State Attorney of Miami-Dade County for more years than I care to remember. Another local interest here is former Sheriff Ken Jenne, another political attorney appointee indicted in disgrace. When are the powers to be going to wake up and not appoint attorney's to head police agencies? But that's not enough. She has vetoed laws in Arizona that would make it tougher for illegal aliens, while making it harder for businesses that help them.

Great Choice Obama. NOT!


  1. As someone who knows a lot less about this issue than you, I wonder who you think should have gotten the job. Keep in mind the constraint of the fact that this is an Obama administration.

    I, too, dislike the law being broken and am unsupportive of the "guest worker" visa, because it is such a shill to business that want to subvert labor laws. Such things will dismantle this country. I am more supportive, however, of enforcement at the demand point, meaning, the businesses that get around labor laws by hiring people here illegally.

    BTW Interesting story on the Minutemen in The New Republic:

    (This may be behind a firewall, let me know and I will send the text.)

  2. I believe the job should have been given to someone with actual law enforcement experience as in actually walked a beat or investigated a case and understands the job from the ground up. Why not an actual police agency head or SAC from another agency? There are plenty of them that are attorneys too. Leave the police work to the police and the lawyering to the lawyers. As always - IMHO
