Sunday, November 16, 2008

Clap! Clap! Clap!

Amazingly, Goldman Sachs 7 top executives asked their board to forgo their bonuses this year. Lat year Chief Executive Lloyd Blankfein received $68.5 million as his bonus.

New York Attorney General Andrew Cuomo said Goldman had taken "an important step in the right direction." as as "This gesture by Goldman Sachs is appropriate and prudent and hopefully will help bring Wall Street to its senses..."

According to Goldman spokesman “Our senior officers decided on this course of action because they believe it to be the right thing to do."

Was it that, or was it that Goldman Sachs is scheduled to receive Troubled Asset Relief Program funds and it could be perceived as "an appearance of an impropriety?"


  1. This recession is going to be deep and severe. I already see stuff happening at the personal level, and I am bracing for more. Citibank has announced 50,000+ job cuts, although I don't know what that means exactly. Still, yikes.

    What caused this is complex. What happens now is simple: those getting gummint largesse will now understand what "socialism" means. Those surviving w/o said largesse will figure out the right thing to do without worrying about "improprieties".

  2. As you are aware, I am no Obama fan but trying not to lose my mind with every Clinton appointment he makes is difficult. She will lose her independence in the Senate and her seat to Caroline Kennedy and wind up stabbing Obama in the back. He should use his Harvard Education and take Richardson. Frankenkerry would be a horrible SOS. Obama will not win me or any other conservative with a Clinton appointment. Why introduce this poison into his staff?

  3. Wrong post, dude. I'll reply in the other one.
