Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Please help fund my private jet

So, let's say you are an executive of a large company that needs, say, $25B from the gummint. You need to go to DC to plead your case. How should you NOT travel to get there?

If you said "private jet", you are correct!

If you said "private jet and then a company hybrid from the airport to show that I really am fuel conscious", you are even more correct.

Did Bill Kristol give these guys advice for their public image?


  1. A big blunder indeed. If you haven't already, you should read Mitt Romney's brilliant article in today's NYT.

  2. Yes, this is one area where Romney does have more cred than most, since he did grow up around cars.

    I wonder how much such a stance will hurt his chances in '12. Recall that he was supposed to be the guy who could deliver Michigan.
