Sunday, November 9, 2008


In her post commemorating 70 years since Kristallnacht, Debbie Schlussel wonders why the majority of her fellow tribe have become so stupid:

It was a loud disruption to the cocooned view of German Jews that they were cultured and mostly assimilated and, many of them, wealthy, and that their
fellow Germans would never harm them. On that night, they finally realized
that, in fact, they were not the equals in society they'd believed for
centuries that they were. As many of my readers and friends have noted this
week, these German Jews have their contemporaries in the liberal Jews who
voted for Barack Obama and the party dominated by anti-Semitism and
anti-Israel sentiment, the Democrats.

So, let me get this straight. The Democrats are dominated by anti-Semitism and anti-Israel sentiment? Really? Can someone explain this to me? Because if true, then, you know, I'd feel kinda...stupid. Taken. Of course, voting Republican, according to Ms. Schlussel, is no guarantee of safety:

I, myself, have endured the death, rape, and torture threats from four
American residents--ALL of them Muslim. Today's Nazis don't wear the swastika,
they wear the crescent. And they find their most vocal supporters on the left
and in the party of the left and its new President-elect. And, yes, they have
far too many PC-types who are also yes-men--though to a much lesser extent--in
the Republican Party.

Clearly Ms. Schlussel feels she has good reason for her paranoia: she has not forgotten. Neither have I: my grandparents, by sheer luck, emigrated to this country from Vilna in 1931. Most of their remaining family was wiped out, save for my grandmother Liza's half-sister Sonia, who escaped to Palestine and who husband Lipa joined the Irgun.

Yes, there are scary people out there, OK, mainly Islamists, who are out to destroy Jews. I do not hide from it. I thank G-d I am in a country in which our enemies are also the enemies of the country at large. But I do not for a second look around and see nothing but enemies all around. Sometimes, we have to move on with our lives and soften the rhetoric. And recognize that just because someone would rather explore other options besides wiping an opponent off the face of the planet, doesn't make them anti-Semitic.

Memo to Debbie Schlussel: your attention to our enemies is appreciated, but your tone makes you ridiculous.


  1. Debbie has several good points. The good being that "Far too many of us have forgotten. Fortunately, a few of us remember."

    She is scared of his associations and his willingness to sit down without pre-conditions as are many of us with Hezbollah and Hamas.

    " All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing."

    ---Sir Edmund Burke

  2. Agreed. But but but...Debbie seems to like to make incredible assertions with no basis in fact, unless she has an extremely low bar for who is an anti-Semite, etc.

    In that case, this is a person who lives in complete fear of the world. Please G-d I do not want such a person to have influence over what my kids learn.
