Tuesday, December 9, 2008

The triple-dog dare

Oh my. IL Gov Rod Blagojevich yesterday:

Uhhmmm, did he think nobody would take him up on the offer? Did he actually think? Jesus Christ, what an idiot.

BTW no evidence whatsoever that Obama or his team were involved in the hijinks. Doesn't mean they can ignore all this, but at least, in the beginning, they can avoid distractions in the short term.

Side note: As you can see, Jason Zengerle at The Plank was all over this. One reason why I not only subscribe to TNR, but after I cull most of my subscriptions (6 of them!!), TNR will be one of the two I keep. (The Atlantic will be the other.)


  1. You beat me to it!!! Wonder what vile sludge Representative Rush is spewing in the Windy City?

    This is back room politics at its best. I guess the circumstances speak for themselves.

    You are quick to point out Obama had nothing to do with this...whats funny is that thought did not enter my mind until you said it. Guilty conscience?

  2. How could it not enter your mind? It was Obama's seat being sold. My guilty conscience, my ass.

    I think Illinios has to compete with CT/NY/NJ in the Gubernatorial corruption sweepstakes. Actually, I guess IL is the clear winner.

    Although I hear your Gov. pulled a real stupid this week as well...he made our Gov. look frugal.

  3. It's been a while since I got you going!
