Thursday, December 11, 2008

Steven Chu

Forget the fact for a minute that this is a Nobel Laureate in Physics ("for development of methods to cool and trap atoms with laser light"). Or that he's a fellow University of Rochester alum. This dude is the real deal for running the Dept of Energy. Why? Because he is passionate about energy.

Here he is at the National Energy Summit:

The message is here:
Refrigerators consume a lot of energy; all alone, they account for almost fifteen per cent of the average home’s electricity use. In the mid nineteen-seventies, California—the state Chu now lives in—set about establishing the country’s first refrigerator-efficiency standards. Refrigerator manufacturers, of course, fought them. The standards couldn’t be met, they said, at anything like a price consumers could afford. California imposed the standards anyway, and then what happened, as Chu observed, is that “the manufacturers had to assign the job to the engineers, instead of to the lobbyists.” The following decade, standards were imposed for refrigerators nationwide. Since then, the size of the average American refrigerator has increased by more than ten per cent, while the price, in inflation-adjusted dollars, has been cut in half. Meanwhile, energy use has dropped by two-thirds. [Emphasis mine]

Can you imagine such a thought amongst the Bushies? They're still fighting about whether evolution is a fascist notion, and can barely acknowledge that global warning has a manmade cause.

Thank G-d it is the adults running the show.


  1. Evolution is certainly not a fascist notion but Global warming is likely a hoax.

    The science that supports or does not support the theory behind global warming is so incomplete that no reasonable conclusions can be drawn on how to solve the "problem" (or if the "problem" even exists). As a result of potential conflicts of interest, the scientists conducting research on topics related to global warming may subtly change their findings to bring them in line with their funding sources.

  2. Well, glad to hear we agree that evaolution is not fascist. But, if we could secede from the parts of the country that think teaching "Intelligent Design" in school as an "alternative" to evolution is a good idea, then I'm all for it. I was actually thinking about writing a book based upon the thought. But never mind.

    Global warming: let me concede that there are maybe some vested interests in pushing the idea. So what? There is a plethora of evidence. For example, here's something that fascinated my son:

    In any case, there is a ton, and painting the scientific community as greedy and criminally dishonest is dishonest and horribly wrong itself. I will defend the ethics of these guys, having been one, and we have ways of rooting out those who cheat:

    The attitude toward GW espoused by "conservatives" is anything but conservative. Forget about central control, which is what most conservatives are fearing here. We can try to avoid that. But, personally, isn't it prudent that, if there is some evidence here, we err on the side of energy conservation?

    Please elaborate on your evidence of hoax-i-ness.
