Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Does Reid Work For The People?

Washington ( – Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid expressed relief that he would no longer be able to smell visitors to the United States Capitol, thanks to the new $621 million Capitol Visitors Center (CVC).

The center, which opened Tuesday, will now be the main public entrance for the Capitol.

“You could literally smell the tourists coming in to the Capitol,” Reid (D-Nev.) said in his remarks at the opening ceremonies.

Hey umm asshole? Yeah you Harry. That money you spend by the millions and billions came from the hard work--and sweat---of the people you just insulted. Once again Harry proves that he thinks his shit don't stink and he is too good to hang with the common folk.


  1. Actually, he works for the people of Nevada, who continue to elect him. Just like the people of GA continue to elect Saxby Chambliss. But I digress.

  2. He is still a a jackass. How he keeps getting elected is beyond me.
