Sunday, January 11, 2009

A Simple Solution.

Dear Readers,

After a brief hiatus due to family obligations, I am back and rested. Most of you are aware of the Ft., Lauderdale incident that happened a week ago in my neighboring hometown where a Muslim women adorned in full Arab Regalia yelled out "Jews, go back to the ovens!"

It seems amazing that one would be able to use this language and still be allowed to walk the streets of the good 'ol USA. But it becomes clear that this is the difference between us and them. Our right to free speech and religion is an enviable right that most societies are not afforded. I only pray that our own litigious and leftist society does not erode our own rights that we become them by polar opposites.

One must realize that this whole media circus is not about a cease fire in Gaza. This is about a group of nomads that are the scourge of the Arab world. Not even the Arabs want them. This is about an agenda to destroy Israel through a series of media and political events. The Arabs secretly hope that Israel will destroy the Palestinians, because it will accomplish two agenda items. One, it will rid the Arabs of their dreck. Two, they can use it to continue to admonish Israel and further their cause to destroy Israel and the Jews.

Most of the people I have regular contact with are well aware of the Hamas techniques of using human shields and using schools and Mosques for hiding their proliferation of weapon caches. What boggles the mind is those that swear that the Hamas would never sacrifice their children and people to further the war effort in Gaza. Is it that people hate Israel and the Jews that much? I'm afraid so. One only needs to look to "civilized" France to see just how bad anti-semitism has gotten in the European Union. There are daily incidents and Jews are leaving in large groups, while the Muslins take over their places. Putin and Russia supply Iran with arms and weapons for Hamas in Gaza.

What is the answer? Simple in my mind. Let the Arab countries repatriate their own people who have been nomads since 1967 evenly between them. Leave Israel alone. They have yet to provoke a war or strap a bomb to a suicide bomber since God created the earth.

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