Friday, January 2, 2009

"Go back to the ovens!"

Pro-Hamas demonstration in, of all places, Ft. Lauderdale FL, home of the Red Shirt half of this blog. The clip is over 9 minutes, but is fascinating all the same. The anger and fervor of the crowd, numbering about 2 - 3 hundred, is surprising in a place like Ft. Lauderdale.

Notable in the crowd are several demonstrators calling to "Nuke Israel", and helpfully pointing out that "Israel doesn't exist." My favorite, though, is the nice lady yelling to the Israel supporters across the way to "go back to the ovens." Really, I'd love to know where she took those etiquette lessons.

But what do I expect these folks to do differently? Nothing, except be able to demonstrate without needing police to intervene to prevent a potential riot. This is the USA, and people have the right to say what they please, even the nice lady chick full of etiquette and a love of cooking. But if we pretend that this is anything beyond raw tribalism, and that Jewish actions are merely "racist", well...we're just being a tad bit stupid, aren't we?

1 comment:

  1. I am guilty of being MIA for a few weeks. This action actually occurred across the street from my office which is the corner across from the support rally. The rally initially was to support Israel and the Pro-Palestinians showed up in protest. That was when the oven comment came out. The oven comment made worldwide news and local talk show host Joyce Kaufman staged a second rally on Friday where she led the support. As I left my office I watched Ft. Lauderdale PD prepare as if for a war with riot gear, fences, and mounted patrols. Luckily the rally went without incident as afar I know, as I had to pick up my daughter for school I could not stay.
