Friday, December 19, 2008

Pastor Rick

Obama attempts civility in our political discourse by inviting Pastor Rick Warren at speak at the inauguration. Here's Pastor Rick on Prop 8:

Fine. Look, I get opposition to gay marriage within Christianity, Islam, Judiasm as a biblical mandate against anything homosexual. Religions have a right to keep such things as verboten within the confines of their practice.

But Prop 8 goes beyond those boundaries. Note the faux pas Warren makes when he almost said "Christian marriage". But that would be the truth, and would also invalidate his reason for interfering in the definition of "civil marriage".

Meanwhile, note the "for life", for 5000 years. Astounding. Nothing said about divorce, mainly because the majority of them happen in the Bible Belt, to conservative Christians. Baptists, born-agains, Warren's flock. This hasn't changed marriage?

Anyway, Obama is under the impression that he will score points by giving Warren more attention at his inauguration. Not if Tony Perkins has anything to say about it:
Let's hope that Rick Warren will use his channel of communication to the new President to press him for more pro-family policies-rather than simply being used by Mr. Obama to make political inroads with evangelicals.

The level of mistrust is astounding. The way people like Perkins spoke of Obama before the election, you have to wonder what the point is anyway. How about this: learn to be the opposition, or split away and form your own damn theocracy. Hey, I'll even throw in morally correct Jews like (twice-divorced) Dennis Prager, Daniel Lapin, and Mark Levin, they're all yours.

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