Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Ebony and Ivory?

According to Fox News, the race to replace Barack Obama as Illinois' junior senator heated up Tuesday as Rep. Bobby Rush, (D-Ill)., called on Gov. Rod Blagojevich to name a black man or woman to the seat.

By invoking race, Bobby Rush (D-Ill.), who is black, drove a potential wedge between the prospective white and black contenders for the seat. Rush said it would be a "national disgrace" if Obama's seat were not filled by an African American. A disgrace? To this I say "Poppycock". May the best man or woman get the job regardless of race. this is a perfect example of and entitlement call out. It is preposterous and should be condemned by the President-Elect. Didn't we just elect a black President? To help end the racism perceived in this country the Black Leaders need to step up to the plate and recognize that their old, tired stories are quickly becoming a thing of the past.


  1. I never thought that the election of Obama would end racism as we know it. Recall when Thurgood Marshall stepped down in 1991, Pres. Bush replaced him with another black justice. And when Clarence Thomas retires, do you think for a second that pure merit will determine the next justice?

    I hope so. I agree with you that using race as a determining factor is shambolic. But...look, the electorate can oust Rush in 2010. And blacks have a long way to go before they enjoy the self-confidence of, say, the Jews: when Ginsburg retires, I doubt the Jewish community will go apeshit if she is not replaced with another Jew.

  2. True about Ginsburg. I guess I am from the Bill Cosby school of Racism. It's called personal responsibility and no entitlements.
