Thursday, November 13, 2008

Silver Linings

Marty Peretz points out that crude oil stands at $55 today. Yes, this portends to less demand in a sour economy, but...I recall Chavez complaining when the price fell below $60, so that can only mean good news.

This, combined with an Obama administration that will call the Iranian regime on its bluff to meet, sure looks interesting:

"People who put on a mask of friendship, but with the objective of betrayal, and who enter from the angle of negotiations without preconditions, are more dangerous," Hossein Taeb, deputy commander of Iran's Revolutionary Guard Corps, said Wednesday, according to the semiofficial Mehr News Agency.

"The power holders in the new American government are trying to regain their lost influence with a tactical change in their foreign diplomacy. They are shifting from a hard conflict to a soft attack," Taeb said.

For Iran's leaders, the only state of affairs worse than poor relations with the United States may be improved relations. The Shiite Muslim clerics who rule the country came to power after ousting Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, a U.S.-backed autocrat, in their 1979 Islamic revolution. Opposition to the United States, long vilified as the "great Satan" here in Friday sermons, remains one of the main pillars of Iranian politics.
So maybe the Iranians will get really hostile when their lifeline of high oil prices dries up. The world will see them, however, as a regime more interested in destroying Israel than feeding its own people. Unmasked, and vulnerable. Then maybe they can turn on their Supreme Leader, and everyone will be better off.

Hopefully this means a compromised Hizb'allah and HAMAS as well. Allah be praised.


  1. Another Jimmy Carter fiasco legacy.

    "For Iran's leaders, the only state of affairs worse than poor relations with the United States may be improved relations."

    This may be a self-fulfilling prophecy.

  2. It would just be nice to have the real heavy be the perceived heavy as well. That's how I interpet that quote.

    But yes, Carter did seriously mess up with Iran, although the foundation was laid with the overthrow of Mossadegh in 1953 and the installation of the Shah with his feared Savak. Eisenhower through Carter dropped the ball on this.
